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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorLe, Thu Hang-
dc.contributor.authorLe, Thi Thanh Tam-
dc.description.abstractSocial network has developed significantly in recent years. In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Digital Marketing industry is changing strongly with digital platforms that are applied the latest technologies. Digital Marketing is marketing activities carried out on digital platforms. Digital marketing is one of the most important strategies of companies. Businesses will no longer approach customers in traditional ways. Instead, electronic information channels will be used, which can be mentioned as: Email, Website, Facebook. Through digital platforms, marketing professionals can boost customers’ purchase intention and strengthen the brand image of the business. Therefore, digital marketing plays an important role in increasing the competitive advantage, attracting potential customers and contributing to improving business efficiency of enterprises. This study aims to investigate the conceptual understanding of digital marketing, analyzing some digital marketing trends in Vietnam and offer some recommendations for the businesses in the context of recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, a qualitative research method was
dc.publisherTài chínhvi
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe 10th International Conference on Management and Business (COMB-2023);pp. 1059-1072-
dc.subjectDigital Marketingvi
dc.subjectDigital Marketingvi
dc.titleDigital Marketing: Some Trends in The Context of E-Commerce Developmentvi
Bộ sưu tập: Kỷ yếu - Hội thảo

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