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Title: Digital Systems: Principles and Applications
Authors: Widmer, Neal S.
Moss, Gregory l.
Tocci, Ronald J.
Keywords: Digital Systems
Kĩ thuật số
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Prentice Hall. Pearson Education International
Abstract: This book is a comprehensive study of the principles and techniques of modern digital systems. It teaches the fundamental principles of digital systems and covers thoroughly both traditional and modern methods of applying digital design and development techniques, including how to manage a systemslevel project. The book is intended for use in two- and four-year programs in technology, engineering, and computer science. It can also be used for High School STEM education courses in these topical areas. Although a background in basic electronics is helpful, most of the material requires no electronics training. Portions of the text that use electronics concepts can be skipped without adversely affecting the comprehension of the logic principles.
Description: 1027 p
ISBN: 0-13-422013-7
ISSN: 978-0-13-422013-0
Appears in Collections:Điện - Điện tử

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