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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorMaguad, Ben A.-
dc.contributor.authorDowning, Lawrence G.-
dc.contributor.authorKrone, Robert M.-
dc.identifier.citation1st editionvi
dc.descriptionPages : 70vi
dc.description.abstractThis book affirms the global need for moral leadership in the 21st century at a time when the risks to human survival have been increasing. What is particularly needed is leadership with ethical or moral behavior ingrained in its values system. People know that when they are not treated ethically and morally, bad things happen. They recognize that when crime or unethical acts are chosen, stable and productive lives are damaged and environments become destructive. They, therefore, prefer an environment where their lives proceed in constructive ways to improve the quality of life for themselves and others. In view of this, intentional immoral and unethical behavior for short-term gains should be identified and prevented from sowing seeds of
dc.titleValues Analysis for Moral Leadership - eBooks and textbooks from bookboon.comvi
Bộ sưu tập: Organization (

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