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Trường DCGiá trị Ngôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorStirling, Bruce-
dc.description.abstractHOW IS THIS TOEFL BOOK DIFFERENT?. This TOEFL book is different because it uses an integrated vocabulary learning system called recycling. Recycling is simple. Each exercise is divided into four quizzes. Quiz 1, a multiple-choice vocabulary quiz, introduces ten new words. Next, you will do Quiz 2. Quiz 2 is a sentence-completion quiz based on the ten words in Quiz 1. Next, you will do Quiz 3, a spelling quiz. The speaker on the CD will say the same ten words in turn. You will then have ten seconds to spell each word by saying it and typing it. Finally, you will do Quiz 4. Quiz 4 is a 60-word tvi
dc.publisherNova Pressvi
dc.subjectEnglish language -- Idioms -- Study guidesvi
dc.subjectAnh ngữ -- Thành ngữ -- Hướng dẫn họcvi
dc.subjectEnglish language -- Terms and phrases -- Study guidesvi
dc.subjectAnh ngữ -- Cụm từ -- Hướng dẫn họcvi
dc.subjectVocabulary -- Examinations -- Study guidesvi
dc.subjectAnh ngữ -- Kỳ thi -- Hướng dẫn họcvi
dc.title500 words, phrases, idioms for the TOEFL iBT plus typing strategiesvi
Bộ sưu tập: Anh ngữ

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