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Showing results 9893 to 9912 of 16810 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Packet-Based Control for Networked Control SystemsYun-Bo Zhao; Guo-Ping Liu; Yu Kang; Li Yu
2018PainscapesEJ Gonzalez-Polledo; Jen Tarr
2018Palliative Care in Pediatric OncologyJoanne Wolfe; Barbara L. Jones; Ulrika Kreicbergs; Momcilo Jankovic
2018Paradigm Shift in Urban MobilityTomasz Janasz
2018Paradigms in Pollution PreventionTanu Jindal
2018Paranoid PedagogiesJennifer A. Sandlin; Jason J. Wallin
2018Parricide and Violence Against Parents throughout HistoryMarianna Muravyeva; Raisa Maria Toivo
2015Partial differential equations and operators: Fundamental solutions and semigroups Part II - eBooks and textbooks from bookboon.comCasteren, Jan A. Van
2018Participant Empowerment Through Photo-elicitation in Ethnographic Education ResearchMichael Lee Boucher, Jr.
2002Particle verbs in English : syntax, information structure, and intonationDehé, Nicole
2018Partition and the Practice of MemoryChurnjeet Mahn; Anne Murphy
2018Party Responses to the EU in the Western BalkansMarko Stojic
2018Paternal Postnatal Psychiatric IllnessesShaila Kulkarni Misri
2018Pathogenesis of Periodontal DiseasesNagihan Bostanci; Georgios N. Belibasakis
2018Pathways to a Sustainable EconomyMoazzem Hossain; Robert Hales; Tapan Sarker
2018Patient NavigationElizabeth A. Calhoun; Angelina Esparza
2018Patterns of Treaty Interpretation as Anti-Fragmentation ToolsLiliana E. Popa
2015PaulOS: Part I: An 8051 Real-Time Operating System - eBooks and textbooks from bookboon.comDebono, Paul P.
2013PaulOS: Part II: An 8051 Real-Time Operating System - eBooks and textbooks from bookboon.comDebono, Paul P.
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