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Showing results 3542 to 3561 of 16827 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007E Business Innovation and Process Management-
2009E-business and e-commerce managementChaffey, Dave
2007E-Business Innovation and Process ManagementLee, In
2006E-commerce E-government and Mobile Commerce-
22/12/2011E-Human Resource Management-
2018e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing CountriesTegawende F. Bissyande; Oumarou Sie
2018E-Learning in the WorkplaceMinhong Wang
2018E-Learning Practice in Higher Education: A Mixed-Method Comparative AnalysisSayed Hadi Sadeghi
2014E-MarketingStrauss, Judy; Frost, Raymond
2008E-marketing excellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketingChaffey, Dave; Smith, PR
2007E-supply chain technologies and ManagementZhang, QingYu
2018Early Career Academics in New Zealand: Challenges and Prospects in Comparative PerspectiveKathryn A. Sutherland
2018Early Phase Cancer ImmunotherapySandip Pravin Patel; Razelle Kurzrock
2018Early Repolarization SyndromeWataru Shimizu
2018Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics in Memory of Ragnar Sigbj↜╢rnssonRajesh Rupakhety; Simon Olafsson
2018Earthquake-Induced LandslidesYingbin Zhang
2018Earthquakes and Multi-hazards Around the Pacific Rim, Vol. IYongxian Zhang; Thomas Goebel; Zhigang Peng; Charles A. Williams; Mark Yoder; John B. Rundle
2004Easier English Intermediate Dictionary : Over 28,000 Terms Clearly DefinedCollin, Peter
2018East Timor's Independence, Indonesia and ASEANJean A. Berlie
2011Easy TOEIC: Improve your listening and reading skills, Acquire knowledge in various field, Train for the TOEIC test naturally: CDYoung-Sook, Sohn; Stuart, Brian J.